Online Spanish course C1 for self-study with continuous teacher assistance.
The Online Spanish course C1 is aimed at adult students with a good proficiency of the Spanish language who wish to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, but who value a structured course with teacher assistance.
This course does not have a fixed schedule. Each student decides when and how much they want to study.
This course is for students who have already studied all the grammar, understand and speak Spanish well, but who want to practice the combinations of tenses and moods and further develop their language skills. Recurrent errors will be corrected. It is also an ideal course for people with a good command of Spanish who want to refresh their knowledge and stay active in Spanish.
The course material consists of 12 lessons with a wide variety of exercises and activities for the development of all skills. Each lesson has between 12 and 15 activities. Grammar explanations are reinforced with recorded video classes with application exercises with solutions and exercises that are sent to the teacher by e-mail for correction, review and comment. We work with authentic material such as newspaper articles, video lectures on different topics, television programs, videos from different sources on various current topics and topics of interest for everyday life. There are pronunciation and reading exercises that are sent to the teacher by voice message and many writing exercises to be corrected by the teacher.
At the bottom of this page we have a video in which we show the course material.
The course costs US$ 260 for the entire level and includes the 12 lessons, feedback from the teacher by email and voice message and the course certificate. The course certificate is obtained upon completion of the course after a short oral exam by video conference.
For students who want oral practice, we offer conversation classes by video conference. These classes last 1 hour of 60 minutes and cost US$ 25.
At this link we offer more information about these classes:
Live Spanish classes by video conference
Below we detail the program and the contents of the Online Spanish course C1:
Estructuras gramaticales:
- Usos de se
- Verbos pronominales
- La tilde diacrítica
- Ser y estar con un mismo adjetivo
- Recomendar y aconsejar en español
- El pasado a través del arte
- Adjetivos para describir un cuadro
- El pasado, la historia
- El estilo indirecto en presente y pasado
- Palabras con doble género
- Concordancia entre sustantivo y adjetivo
- ¿con o sin artículo?
- Oraciones de relativo
- Repaso del imperativo
- Los conectores como y porque diferencias
- La negación; nadie, nunca, nada, ningún, etc.
- Partículas de negación
- Repaso de los pronombres de objeto
- Diferencia entre adjetivos y adverbios
- Las colocaciones léxicas
- El gerundio en función adverbial
Vocabulario, cultura y vida cotidiana:
- Escribir a mano
- La caligrafía
- La Sans forgética
- La creatividad
- La lectura, leer en una lengua extranjera
- La pintura, claves para apreciar una obra de arte
- La historia, interpretación de hechos históricos.
- Números cardinales, ordinales y romanos
- La conquista española
- La independencia de América
- El periodismo y los medios
- El chisme
- Las redes sociales, vocabulario de tecnología.
- La basura electrónica
- La radio
- La escucha activa
- El tiempo es oro, refranes y proverbios
- El movimiento slow
- La economía, la jubilación, las inversiones, la libertad financiera y el ahorro
- Decir no
- Las generaciones
- El cerebro y el aprendizaje
Frequent questions about our Online Spanish course C1:
How can I know if the C1 course is for me?
We carry out a level test with all those interested in our courses who have knowledge of Spanish. You will receive the test by e-mail. We will review it and send you the corrections with the recommendation of the appropriate course for you at CELA. We will also send you a free trial lesson of the course so that you can decide at your leisure whether you like the course.
What is the course schedule?
The course does not have a timetable. Each student decides for themselves when and where they want to study. The teacher is always available to give feedback and make corrections.
How long does the course last?
The course does not have a set duration. In total, it takes about 240 hours of study to complete it. We recommend taking the course slowly in order to assimilate the contents and enjoy the course.
What do I need to take the course?
A computer or tablet is required as there are many writing exercises in the course. We believe that it is not possible to follow the course only on a mobile phone. In addition, we will need a notebook for grammar and vocabulary and a notebook for correcting errors. Writing by hand is essential when learning a language, as is reading aloud. You also need internet access to watch the videos and send the assignments by email and WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram.
Who is the teacher of the course?
The teacher and author of the course material is Dr. Sabine Loffler, director of CELA, PhD in Hispanic Philology from UNED, specialist in Adult Education and Spanish teacher since 1992. Spanish is her mother tongue because she grew up and lives in Venezuela. She speaks English, German and Italian.
In this link we have more information about CELA
Is there a trial lesson?
Of course. For those interested in the C1 online Spanish course, we send the first lesson of the course as a trial lesson after having taken the level test.
What is the price of the course?
The course costs US$ 260. It includes the teaching material for 12 lessons, the teacher’s feedback by email and voice message and the certificate.
What variety of Spanish is taught in the course?
The course considers both standard varieties of Spanish, both Spanish from Spain and Latin America. The course material has speech samples from speakers from different countries.
Does the course have a certificate?
Yes. Once the students have completed the 12 lessons and have received feedback from the teacher, there is a short videoconference conversation to check the knowledge acquired during the course and we issue the course certificate.
What do students say about CELA?
He hecho el curso del nivel C1 con CELA Spanish School y me gustaría dar mi feedback, porque realmente me ha gustado mucho. En CELA, el estudio es bastante autodeterminado de lo que podía aprovechar mucho.
El contenido es muy interesante – Sabine trata de elegir temas con un enfoque en la psicología, el arte, la historia hispanoamericana, el desarrollo personal y muchas cosas más. Así que disfruté mucho del curso.
Cabe decir que Sabine no solamente tiene muy buenos conocimientos de la lengua española, sino también tiene muy buenas capacidades de transmitir su sabiduría. La estructura del curso es bastante buena – el manuscrito está ampliado con video clases, por lo que las tareas quedan muy claras. En el caso de que haya preguntas, Sabine siempre está disponible (sea por WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram o correo electrónico). Desde el principio hasta el final me sentí muy bien atendida.
Otra cosa que me gustó mucho son las varias capacidades que se practican en el curso: la capacidad oral, auditiva, de lectura y sobre todo la escritura. También se tratan y se repasan esenciales temas de gramática. Nunca pensaba que hiciera tanto progreso con un curso en línea – ¡el de CELA lo puedo recomendar de corazón!
Franziska (Escrito en español por la alumna)
At this link you will find more evaluations from CELA students:
Are there other levels of courses?
Yes, we have online Spanish courses from levels A1 to C2.
At this link you will find more information about the other levels.
How can I sign up for the course?
If you wish to sign up for the course, please write us an email stating your name, age, gender, nationality, country of residence, mother tongue, languages you already speak, the level of Spanish you think you have and your motivation for taking the course.
We will reply shortly with more information about the course.
To find out more:
In this video we give you information about our school and the methodology of our courses:
CELA Spanish School Information
In this video we show you how the C1 course works:
Course C1
In this link you will find information about the online Spanish course B2:
In this link you will find information about the online Spanish course C2
In this section you will find articles about Spanish grammar
On our Youtube channel you will find many of the videos of our courses:
If you have more questions and would like a trial lesson you can contact us
At or
CELA Spanish School
Centro de Lingüística Aplicada
Isla Margarita-Venezuela- Suramérica